In my opinion, President Javier Milei’s “Olivos Barbecue” was absolutely unnecessary. Even insulting, I dare say. Although [Presidential Spokesperson] Manuel Adorni insists it wasn’t a celebration, it certainly looked like one, after having successfully blocked an 8.1 percent pension increase, initially approved by both houses of Congress. “Today, 87 heroes slammed the brakes on the fiscal degenerates who tried to destroy the fiscal surplus that Argentines worked so hard to achieve,” stated Milei on X. He called them “heroes,” I’m not joking. I believe the real heroes are Argentine retirees, those who get the minimum pension (around US$230 monthly), and must choose between eating properly and buying medicines. Retirees who can’t even dream of eating an “asado” any more. Those should be Milei’s “heroic guests” at Olivos for once.

Buenos Aires Times, Sept 21, 2024

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