“LLA” stands for “La Libertad Avanza” (Freedom Advances). Actually, I have the feeling that these days freedom in Argentina is going backwards, not forwards. It’s clearly receding. When President Milei equated the LGBTQIA+ community with child abuse to an audience of world leaders at DAVOS (“in its most extreme version, gender ideology simply and plainly constitutes child abuse. They’re pedophiles.”), he showed (and boasted of) his homophobia, which contradicts the freedom he preaches out loud. Moreover, he has called populists “zurdos de mierda” (shitty leftists). Milei should bear in mind that, although not all Argentines voted for him last year, he is the President of the whole country, including gays and leftists, and all citizens, all of us, deserve his respect and tolerance, whether he likes our choices or not.

Buenos Aires Times, Feb1, 2025