The 4-year nightmare is over. Donald Trump, that grown up spoiled rich child, has been defeated and –hopefully- will never return to the White House. “Democracy has prevailed”, though the orange guy still thinks he’s been cheated at the general elections and is in fact the real winner. The end of his administration couldn’t have been more shameful, with the Capitol raided by his hooligans. To make matters worse, he decided not to attend Biden’s inauguration (that rings a bell, doesn’t it?). There’s a feeling of relief, not only in the US, but all around the world, ‘cause Trump has proved to be a very dangerous political leader, who could put the whole planet at risk. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris look and sound normal, sensible people; they show empathy and sensitivity. Their adult demeanour and composure contrast sharply with Trump’s childish tantrums and his inclination to blow his own Trump-et all the time. At last, a piece of good news in the midst of this scary, endless pandemic.
Welcome, guys and best of luck!
Irene Bianchi for the Buenos Aires Times