Pitiful, I’d say. Rather shameful. This is how I would describe our President’s role at the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Rome last week. He seemed to be unaware of certain protocol basic rules. Some of his major blunders: too much physical contact with the world leaders, whose faces clearly showed their dislike. We also saw him scratching his head and sticking his finger in his ear. He bowed to Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Japanese style. He never turned up at the Fontana di Trevi, a sort of ritual attended by the rest. Besides, a dozen public officials travelled with him to Rome. Was that absolutely necessary? I’m asking because we all pay for that, don’t we? We could also see some politicians who always “despise” capitalism, doing their very best to get close to Joe Biden, sucking up to him. Very embarrassing indeed. Absolute lack of good taste and etiquette. It’s what it is …