
Foul play

When people like Cristóbal López and his partner, Fabián de Sousa , both accused of a huge tax fraud, are freed, (just like that, overnight), the average Argentine citizen, the one who can hardly make ends meet, the one who pays his taxes regularly (and seldom sees any derived benefit, Seguir leyendo

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¡Argentinos, a las cosas!

Peco de una ingenuidad incurable, rayana en la estupidez. Pensé que, al no ser éste un año electoral, nuestros gobernantes se dedicarían de lleno a tratar de aliviar los graves problemas que aquejan a los argentinos: inflación imparable, sueldos que no alcanzan, inseguridad, conflictos de todo tipo, tamaño y color. Seguir leyendo

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Focus on the present, not the future

 Since this year there are no presidential or parliamentary elections, I naively thought that our politicians would focus on the serious problems we all have, instead of squandering energy, time and resources on other matters. As usual, I was wrong. Believe it or not, they are already choosing candidates for Seguir leyendo

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Another one bites the dust

Argentina’s last dictator, Reynaldo Bignone, 90, died last Wednesday in a military hospital. The week before, another ex-dictator, Luciano Benjamín Menéndez, died at 90 too. Both were serving out life sentences for «disappearing» thousands of people during the military rule that began with the 1976 coup d’etat, and ended in Seguir leyendo

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On abortion, ignorance is not bliss

We, Argentines, are experts in denial. We deliberately choose not to see certain dark aspects of our reality, naively thinking that – if we don’t bring them to light – they don’t exist. Abortion is one of them. although it’s still illegal here, we all know that the abortion rate Seguir leyendo

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How many more lives must be lost?

My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school”. This is what Donald Trump said after 17 people were killed by a 19 year old gunman , armed with a Seguir leyendo

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Hacernos cargo

Seamos sensatos y realistas. El hecho de que -de una vez por todas- se legalice el aborto en la Argentina no implica necesariamente que todas las mujeres decidan abortar (así como la promulgación de la ley de divorcio no llevó a su proliferación). El aborto, legal o no, es siempre Seguir leyendo

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Un fin personal

La marcha convocada por Hugo Moyano no parece tener un origen muy claro. Da la sensación de que quiere valerse de esta estrategia para cubrir sus espaldas. Justo cuando está siendo investigado por la Justicia para dilucidar el origen de su abultado patrimonio, llama a sus muchachos para que copen Seguir leyendo

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