
Dirty Linen

Someone should remind our President that you shouldn’t air your dirty linen in public. That’s what he’s been doing during his European tour. From a distance (as the song goes) he seems to have plucked up courage in reference to his tense relationship with Cristina Kirchner. Being far away from Seguir leyendo

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Repaso algunas de las afirmaciones más salientes de Cristina Fernández el viernes pasado en Chaco. 1) “La gente está muy mal”: chocolate por la noticia. No nos habíamos percatado. 2) “No le estamos haciendo honor a tanta confianza”: creo que se acordaron tarde, porque ya ha transcurrido más de la Seguir leyendo

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Unrealistic expectations

“Renta inesperada”. Nice euphemism for the new tax (yes, still another one) this administration has come up with. “Unexpected corporate profits”. “We have to ask those who have had a windfall to contribute,” said Alberto Fernández. I look up the word “windfall”: 1- (literally) an apple or other fruit blown Seguir leyendo

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She did it again

Last Wednesday at Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner opened this  year’s Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), where there were more than 100 lawmakers.  Hers wasn’t a “welcome speech” at all. While listening to her, I wondered whether she thought she was actually addressing her fans at “Instituto Patria”. Maybe Seguir leyendo

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The Devil wears…

Suddenly, everybody blames the Devil for all our ills and misfortunes. It’s/He’s/She’s on the top trending topic list. A short while ago, Nicolás Maduro said he’s willing to talk to anybody, including “el Señor Diablo o sus diablitos”. At the 2022 Oscar Award Ceremony, actor Will Smith, after slapping Chris Seguir leyendo

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Alberto in Wonderland

Honestly, I would love to live in the country President Alberto Fernández described in his annual address to Congress last March 1st. In his words, our economy is healthy and strong, inflation is dropping, there’s a fair distribution of wealth, the State is always present and efficient, private sector activities Seguir leyendo

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Justicia por Cabezas

Estaba veraneando en Pinamar en enero de 1997. Estuve ahí el fatídico día en que asesinaron a José Luis Cabezas. Ya han pasado 25 años, un cuarto de siglo, y hoy no hay nadie preso por ese homicidio. Vivo en La Plata y seguí de cerca el proceso a “Los Seguir leyendo

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