
Alberto in Wonderland

Honestly, I would love to live in the country President Alberto Fernández described in his annual address to Congress last March 1st. In his words, our economy is healthy and strong, inflation is dropping, there’s a fair distribution of wealth, the State is always present and efficient, private sector activities Seguir leyendo

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¿Qué país describió el Presidente en la apertura de las sesiones legislativas en el Congreso?

Pregunto, porque me encantaría vivir ahí. Una economía pujante, un Estado presente y eficiente, una inflación en baja, la actividad privada reactivada, la pandemia bajo control, equidad en la distribución de riqueza… Llamó a la unidad y luego, con la consabida muletilla “Ah, pero Macri”, irritó deliberadamente a los diputados Seguir leyendo

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Apocalypsis Now

So sad! Such a tragedy! An avoidable one. Alberto and Cristina’s “friend”, Vladimir Putin, has finally made his threaten come true. He has started a war, the development and outcome of which we cannot foretell. We’ve gone back in time several centuries.  There’s a new virus, far more lethal than Covid Seguir leyendo

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Shameful bootlicking

On behalf of ALL Argentines, Alberto Fernández welcomes Russia to Latin America, and tells the Chines leader that ALL OF US share his political views. We love communism, in his eyes. Maybe he doesn’t know that China is one of the strongest capitalisms of the world. Besides, we all know Seguir leyendo

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¿Hubo un plebiscito?

Me pregunto si hubo una consulta popular, una suerte de plebiscito antes de la gira de Alberto Fernández, y yo me lo perdí. Porque una cosa son los acuerdos comerciales, qué compramos, qué vendemos, y otra muy distinta arrogarse la representación de TODOS los argentinos, más aún, de toda Latinoamérica, Seguir leyendo

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