
Por las palabras…

A fin de graficar los justificados temores de muchos de nosotros ante la eventual vuelta del kirchnerismo, me limito a citar textual y objetivamente los dichos de algunas personas públicas. Alberto Fernández  a la investigadora Sandra Pitta, que no apoya la fórmula que él encabeza: “No tengas miedo. Te voy a Seguir leyendo

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Say no more…

Aníbal Fernández said he’d rather leave his children with Ricardo Barreda than with María Eugenia Vidal. I live in La Plata. I remember distinctly the newspaper headlines on Nov 14th, 1992. The day before, this mass murderer had killed his two daughters, Adriana and Cecilia, his wife Gladys Mc Donald, Seguir leyendo

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Today is July 18th. I’m listening to the fire sirens on the radio. Sends chills down my spine. It’s almost 10 am. A quarter of a century has gone by since the AMIA bombing. 85 people were killed and there were over 300 injured. And now, 25 years later, that Seguir leyendo

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Maduro’s Guru?!

I could hardly believe it when I saw the picture! Nicolás Maduro and Ravi Shankar, both smiling and shaking hands?! A humanitarian and spiritual leader next to a ruthless dictator who persecutes, imprisons and tortures opponents?  Maduro, a pathetical, clownish character who has forced thousands of Venezuelans to leave their homeland, Seguir leyendo

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