“ORQUESTA DE SEÑORITAS”: Una tragicomedia para alquilar balcones

“Orquesta de Señoritas”, bajo la batuta de Gastón Marioni, es un espectáculo decididamente imperdible para los amantes del buen teatro.  Jean Anouilh (1910-1987), su autor, es un dramaturgo descomunal .  Sus piezas pueden clasificarse en  “negras”, “rosas” y  “grinçantes”  (en alusión a la sensación que produce el rechinar de la Seguir leyendo

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He did it again!

“Chile is not Cuba thanks to Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship”, said Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, thus praising Chile’s 1973 military coup d’état.  He never ceases to shock us. Alongside, he attacked  Michelle Bachelet:  «Among the communists during that era was her brigadier father”, he said. Some reminders. The socialist government of Salvador Allende was  overthrown Seguir leyendo

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Stop the world!!!

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro said he will only accept $20 million anti-fire funds from the G7 if Macron withdraws «insults.”  He’s not talking about his back yard, mind you, but about an unheard of environmental catastrophe that will affect the whole planet. He also implied that the French President envied Seguir leyendo

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«El Equilibrista»: Un acróbata de la escena

No nos sorprende Mauricio Dayub. Ya habíamos disfrutado de otros trabajos suyos: “El Amateur” y ese récord taquillero, “Toc, toc”. Dayub es un “animal de teatro”, uno de esos actores versátiles, que nunca se encasillan, nunca se estereotipan; actores capaces de abordar todos los géneros con  solvencia y flexibilidad. Su Seguir leyendo

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The Chosen One?

Is it a joke? Does Donald Trump really want to buy Greenland from Denmark? Who does he think he is? The answer is clear. “I am the chosen one”, he stated in an interview with White House reporters.  A song comes to mind: “Megalomaniac”.  “Hey megalomaniac/You’re no Jesus/Yeah, you’re no fucking Elvis/Special, Seguir leyendo

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