

«Megxit» seems to  be the soap opera of the century. The nickname -coined by the British press- describes Prince Harry’s and his wife’s plans to quit their royal duties and step back from their senior roles in the British Royal family.I guess Harry’s mother, the late and greatly missed Ladi Seguir leyendo

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Nisman’s ghost

“I doubt Nisman committed suicide, but there’s no proof of murder”, Alberto Fernández  has recently stated. Almost five years have gone by and we still don’t know what really happened.  It’s a pity the prosecutor’s ghost doesn´t turn up, like Hamlet’s father, to reveal the naked truth and ask for Seguir leyendo

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An angry Pope

«Love makes us patient. So many times we lose patience, even me, and I apologize for yesterday’s bad example,» the Pope said, after slapping a woman’s hand the day before. He added: «Women are sources of life. Yet they are continually insulted, beaten, raped, forced to prostitute themselves and to Seguir leyendo

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On the threshold of 2020

2020 already! Unbelievable! I was born in 1951 and always thought of the year 2000 as a Bradburyan science fiction fantasy. But here I am, still alive and kicking. I’ve been lucky enough to have witnessed countless revolutions in all fields. I can’t help feeling, however, that in many aspects Seguir leyendo

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Weird Mass

Priest Eduardo Lorenzo committed suicide last Monday at one of the Caritas headquarters in La Plata. He’d been accused of sexual abuse and corruption of 5 children between 1990 and 2008. The Archbishop of La Plata, Victor Manuel Fernández, showed grief and pity for “our brother Eduardo Lorenzo, who took Seguir leyendo

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