

I’m an extremely proud Grandma, eager to see, hug and kiss my grandson Lorenzo, as soon as this lockdown is over. Can´t wait, actually. I love it when “Lolo” calls me “Granny” (“Abu”). But what I truly dislike is being called “Abuela” (Grandmother) by people who are not my grandchildren Seguir leyendo

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What if…

Although we wish this pandemic was just a bad dream, an awful nightmare, we know for sure that it’s painfully true, an undeniable reality. Nevertheless, at times I can´t help feeling that it could also be a perfect plan to keep us all at home, isolated, paralyzed by fear and Seguir leyendo

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Luces y sombras de lo humano

Somos tan ambivalentes, tan contradictorios. Por un lado, todos los días religiosamente a las 21 salimos a nuestros balcones, ventanas o patios a aplaudir fervorosamente a los trabajadores de la salud. Ellos están poniendo el cuerpo y jugándose literalmente la vida, cuidándonos, combatiendo a este minúsculo y devastador virus. Por Seguir leyendo

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The best and the worst

It’s amazing how this pandemic can show the best and the worst in all of us. On the one hand,  every day at 9 pm people all over the country show their gratitude to health personnel clapping their hands from balconies, windows and doorsteps, as a warm sign of gratitude. On Seguir leyendo

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Years from now…

In spite of all the awful and tragic things this pandemic  has caused and is still causing worldwide, I believe it must be –at the same time- an unbelievable source of inspiration for artists, in the widest sense of the word. Writers, playwrights, cinematographers, painters, poets, could all draw ideas and Seguir leyendo

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