
Out of line

Let’s admit it. By now, after 150 lockdown days, most of us are broken hearted, broke, anxious, extremely worried, scared, cornered by this treacherous virus,. To put it shortly: fed up. In this gloomy context, to hear certain politicians talking about the 2021 legislative elections, sounds untimely, plainly obscene. Take Seguir leyendo

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Who’s WHO?

“The worst is yet to come”. Whose are these optimistic words: WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’, reflecting on Covid 19 pandemic. In case he hadn’t been clear enough, Tedros added: “There’s no silver bullet to defeat coronavirus and there might never be”. Wow! We really needed these uplifting words in Seguir leyendo

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Mensaje de la OMS

En estos momentos de tanta angustia, preocupación e incertidumbre a nivel planetario, en que estamos tan necesitados de mensajes de aliento que levanten nuestro alicaído espíritu, quisiera agradecer de todo corazón las sentidas palabras del Director General de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, con respecto Seguir leyendo

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Who are we kidding?

In the midst of this global pandemic and local catastrophic economic crisis, President Fernández “will send a bill to Congress to reform federal justice system”, so that – he says- it will “regain credibility”. It smells fishy, doesn’t it? Credibility in Argentina is gone with the wind (the Zonda, most Seguir leyendo

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No plan?!

He must be kidding, right? He can’t be serious! Or maybe I’ve just misread it. Let me see. Here it is: “Frankly, I don’t believe in economic plans. I believe in goals”. Who said this? Alberto Fernández, our President. I would ask him a very simple question: how on earth Seguir leyendo

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Luis Lacalle Pou

A few days ago I listened to journalist Alfredo Leuco interviewing the current President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou. I must admit I felt envious. Very much so. What a politician! What a leader! What a patriot! He sounds and looks sincere, honest, straightforward, someone who doesn’t conceal or hide Seguir leyendo

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