
A hard lesson to learn

Unbelievable.  The last week of September already.  Six months have gone by since the pandemic struck us. Half a year. It still seems unreal, doesn’t it? A story written by Ray Bradbury or a science fiction movie by Steven Spielberg. An endless nightmare, too weird to be true. We are told we’ll Seguir leyendo

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Ojalá logremos zanjar las odiosas diferencias

¡Por fin! Empezó la primavera, tal vez la estación más bella del año. Quizás porque ella simboliza la esperanza, el renacer, un nuevo comienzo. Hoy más que nunca necesitamos imbuirnos de ese espíritu, tras seis meses de zozobra, angustia, incertidumbre, desconcierto, oscuridad. Ojalá, lejos de seguir contagiándonos del maldito virus, todos nos Seguir leyendo

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Montagues vs. Capulets

Something is quite obvious. If Rodriguez Larreta belonged to the same political party as the President, Fernández wouldn’t have transferred federal-revenue sharing percentages by decree, as he has done. Once again. while the City Mayor encourages dialogue, the president (and his Vice) fuels conflict. Moreover, he (both) seems to enjoy Seguir leyendo

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Put the blame on me

We are usually told by shrinks that, once we become adults, it’s useless to go on blaming our parents for our current problems.  Stop saying: “I didn’t get enough hugs”; “I wasn’t breastfed long enough”; “They didn’t pay any attention to me once my younger siblings were born”; “I was invisible Seguir leyendo

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Argentinos de bien

¡Qué pena! Me acabo de enterar de que no soy «una argentina de bien». Siempre pensé que lo era. Pero a los ojos del Presidente aquellos que participamos del banderazo del 17-A, definitivamente no lo somos. Según sus palabras, «los argentinos de bien» protagonizarán un banderazo patriótico solo cuando termine Seguir leyendo

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Lousy show

Sadly enough, due to the pandemic, we can’t go to the theatre or to the movies. However, there’s a free show staged at our National Congress, which is certainly worth watching. I really don’t know what to call it, though. I mean, what genre  their play is. Absurdist? Surreal? Is it Seguir leyendo

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