
The sky’s the limit

Last Monday’s solar eclipse was a good chance to look up at the sky, and forget for a while all the mess we’re immersed in down here. We were able to recover and enjoy our sense of awe and wonder -as when we were kids-, so mesmerized and fascinated by Seguir leyendo

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  Volver al Teatro Municipal Coliseo Podestá como espectadora, después de estos largos meses de abstinencia, fue en sí mismo “una experiencia religiosa”. Con el consabido protocolo (barbijo, temperatura, sanitizante, declaración jurada, esmero de los acomodadores, etc.), en una sala casi vacía, guardando el distanciamiento social obligado, asistir a esta Seguir leyendo

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A year later

A year has gone by since he became President. I didn’t vote for him, but – anyway – I had higher expectations. I expected him to be more moderate, sensible, balanced, stable, willing to bridge the gap that has been separating us for decades now. Instead, he keeps turning a Seguir leyendo

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A sad ending

Honestly, I’m not a football/soccer fan. Nevertheless, I can understand that millions of people all over the world are. I feel that it has stopped being a sport to become mere business. The amount of money many players get is really obscene, if we compare it to the salary of Seguir leyendo

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Gratitud efímera

Este año, más que nunca, cómo no rendirles homenaje ayer a los médicos en su día, cómo no agradecerles tanto esfuerzo, tanta vocación de servicio, tanta entrega, tanto compromiso, tanta dedicación. Desde que se desató la pandemia, han estado en la línea de fuego, literalmente poniendo el cuerpo, arriesgándose, dejando Seguir leyendo

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An image is worth a thousand words

We all remember the shocking image of a Syrian boy, three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, along with his mother and brother, in September 2015. Somehow, the drawing by cartoonist @Maledita Wiesel of Diego Jiménez and his twelve-year-old daughter Abigail, entering their province, Santiago del Estero, on foot, Seguir leyendo

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