
AFTER OFFICE: Enero pandémico gasolero

¡Bueeeenaaaassss! ¿Cómo andamos? No tan bien como vos, Mechita. ¿Y ese bronceado caribe? Qué caribe ni caribe. Bronceado “pelopincho del fondo” y gracias, Elsita. Podrías invitar, ¿no? ¡Mirá que sos codito! Yo, encantada. Pero hay que ver cuántas entramos, guardando el debido distanciamiento. O entramos por turno. Sacamos número. Mi Seguir leyendo

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Individual responsability

Now, more than ever, it’s up to us, to each one of us, to stop the rising surge of Covid 19. It’s a matter of individual responsibility. Otherwise, the spread of this wicked virus will be unstoppable.  The pandemic is far from over. On the contrary.  New strains are being Seguir leyendo

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Depende de cada uno

Hoy más que nunca, la responsabilidad individual frente a la pandemia es insustituible, indelegable e imprescindible. Absolutamente vital y esencial. No debemos relajarnos en demasía ni relajar las costumbres adquiridas durante estos largos y penosos meses. Barbijo, distanciamiento social, lavado de manos, alcohol en gel, protocolo, evitar aglomeraciones, no compartir Seguir leyendo

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Chronicle of a death foretold

I honestly thought I was watching a Netflix series, maybe “House of Cards”. But I wasn’t. That was actually happening in Washington DC. A mob, a riot, thousands of men and women trying to break into the Capitol, encouraged by the leader they blindly worship: Donald Trump, who used to Seguir leyendo

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Legal abortion

I’ve always strongly supported the separation of Church and State. In my view, religion is a very private matter, an individual choice (if any), and it should be divorced from politics. Religion and government are a dangerous mix and should be kept apart. The Catholic Church has historically opposed all Seguir leyendo

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No Secret, Santa  This has certainly been a memorable Christmas. As unforgettable as this forgettable 2020. If there’s something that the whole world is wishing  for now, is the end of the pandemic that has locked us up for almost a year. If there’s anything that the virus has taught Seguir leyendo

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La gestión del «vamos viendo»

Tengo la inquietante sensación que este gobierno carece de planes. De hecho, creo recordar que el propio Presidente admitió alegremente que “no creía en los planes”. Y, la verdad sea dicho, se nota, y mucho. En lo económico, en lo educativo, en lo sanitario, en la política internacional, en la Seguir leyendo

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