
Thank you, virus!

This may sound odd, but I never expected to be grateful to the damned Covid 19 virus. Why, you may ask? Because this pandemic led to vaccination, and this in turn led to the so called “VIP vaccination scandal”, revealing the darkest side of the current administration. Moreover, I never Seguir leyendo

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Death becomes him

I really don’t know if this happens elsewhere, but what I’ve noticed, again and again, is that in Argentina we tend to look up to anybody who passes away, we automatically forgive and forget all his/her wrongdoings. They die and they are at once redeemed, no matter what they did Seguir leyendo

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Salud y uso político

¿Vacunan con pecheras políticas? ¿Clientelismo político con las vacunas? No me asombra en absoluto. Cuando en 2013 se inundó mi ciudad, La Plata, eso también pasó. La Cámpora usó pecheras para “ayudar a los inundados”. En 2015 eso se repitió en otras localidades bonaerenses inundadas: Luján, Salto, Tigre, Mercedes, Pilar, Seguir leyendo

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Úrsula Bahillo: whose fault is it?

Who’s to blame for Úrsula Bahillo’s femicide  (19), in Rojas, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina?  Just her killer, Matías Ezequiel Martínez? Not really. There are many accomplices, many other people involved. All those who never took her warnings seriously. She had reported  his violent behavior countless times.  He even had a restricting order. Nobody seemed Seguir leyendo

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Hace un año

Qué loco, ¿no? Hace un año, en febrero de 2020, ¿quién iba a imaginar lo que hoy estamos viviendo? Se hablaba ya de un virus, pero todo sonaba lejano, foráneo, remoto, algo que ni nos rozaría. ¿Quién hubiera supuesto que viviríamos encerrados durante meses, estudiando y trabajando desde nuestras casas? Seguir leyendo

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Only a year ago

Who would have thought, a year ago (February 2020), that we would be going through something like this? We had heard about a new virus then, but we didn’t expect it to arrive here. It was someone else’s problem, far from home. We were not familiar with words and expressions Seguir leyendo

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