
Rescued? Really?

Happy ending this time. Maia Yael Beloso, the 7-year-old girl abducted by Carlos Alberto Savanz (39), was finally found and rescued after a desperate search. Actually, I’m misusing the word “rescued”, simply because she should have been rescued a long time ago, before she, her mother and her 5 siblings Seguir leyendo

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Final feliz. Encontraron a Maia Beloso con vida. Excelente noticia. Ahora bien, creo que habría que aprovechar esta circunstancia para analizar varias situaciones verdaderamente preocupantes. En primer lugar, esa niña y sus 5 hermanitos viven en situación de calle. ¿Cómo es eso posible? Entiendo que un adulto puede elegir hacerlo, ¿pero Seguir leyendo

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No flowers, thanks.

Please, men, don’t wish us, women, a “Happy International Women’s Day”. Actually, there’s nothing to celebrate, nothing to be happy about.  Particularly in Argentina, my country, where there’s one femicide a day. We’ve been victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse for centuries. We’ve always earned less than men, still coping Seguir leyendo

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Mirar hacia adelante

Cada vez que escucho al Presidente de turno (sea del color político que sea) achacar todos los males de nuestro castigado país a la gestión o gestiones  anteriores, como si la tan mentada “herencia recibida” fuera un karma ineludible e inevitable, recuerdo el maravilloso monólogo que dice como nadie José Pepe Seguir leyendo

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Another lost chance

What a pity! Our President lost another chance in his speech marking the opening of the ordinary sessions of Congress last March 1st. Instead of building bridges, Alberto Fernández insists on deepening the wide gap between those who support him, and his opposition. He sounded angry, upset, resentful, aggressive, once Seguir leyendo

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