
No somos pocos

No somos pocos quienes estamos claramente decepcionados con ciertas actitudes y decisiones de la oposición. ¿Ya le pidieron la renuncia a Gabriela Brower, la diputada cordobesa del Bloque Evolución de Juntos por el Cambio, que pegó el faltazo en la sesión del Congreso por un viaje de placer a los Seguir leyendo

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Happy 2022!

The perception of time is so subjective, so relative, isn´t it? For most of us, 2020 was dreadfully long. Maybe because of the endless lockdown, the uncertainty regarding the pandemic, the shock we were all in. On the contrary, I’d say 2021 moved at breakneck speed, so fast that Christmas Seguir leyendo

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Hats off, guys!

Every December in La Plata, the city which has adopted me since my College years, there’s a moving and noisy ritual: Newly graduates are driven in the open trunks of cars or vans, followed by dozens of vehicles with friends, relatives, classmates, honking  and cheering loudly behind. These youngsters have just Seguir leyendo

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AFTER OFFICE: Extrañas parejas

¿Pueden creer que se volvieron a separar? Pará, pará, pará. ¡No lo digas! Dejáme adivinar quiénes. ¡Cómo te gustan los enigmáticos, Martita! Dále. Arriesgá. Albert y Cris. ¡No! Ésos se aborrecen pero seguirán juntos por conveniencia. Ahí no hubo ni hay amor. Me toca a mí. Wanda y Mauro. Tampoco, Seguir leyendo

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All together now

Truth to tell, I find it hard to figure out why there are still so many people in the whole world who refuse to get the Covid 19 vaccinations. Some say they don’t trust the vaccines because they were developed too fast, almost overnight. Others argue that Covid-19 is just Seguir leyendo

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Party Time?

Out of curiosity: what exactly did this administration celebrate yesterday, December 10th? Their lost primary elections/ PASO? Our Coronavirus death toll? Argentina facing bankruptcy? The fact that 6 out of 10 kids are poor?  The tragedy that half of our students don’t finish highschool? Rosario becoming once again the “Argentine Chicago”, Seguir leyendo

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