
Gabriela Archer

En esta ocasión, esta inefable humorista se presenta como en una charla Ted, dirigida a las nuevas generaciones de mujeres de 40, de 50, de 60, de 70. Que son «nuevas» porque hasta hace sólo 50 años no existían, o por lo menos no gozaban de lo que ahora nosotras Seguir leyendo

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The minister of economy, Martín Guzmán, has described the opposition as “anti-Argentina”. Likewise, I guess all those who support the opposition must be “anti-Argentina too”. Wow! What a statement! What an accusation! So the real, true Argentines, are only those who favor this administration? An example of blunt Manichaeism: Kirchnerists Seguir leyendo

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Gossip time

Unbelievable. The whole world –literally – is glued to the soap opera starring Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi. The discovery of some hot messages and photographs on Instagram between the striker and actress China Suárez, have enraged Icardi’s wife and agent, who has already requested divorce. We have all become Seguir leyendo

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Lucas Cancino

Another victim. 17-year-old Lucas Cancino was stabbed to death last Wednesday in Ezpeleta, Quilmes. He died, bleeding, in his Grandma’s arms. Who’s to blame? Not only the killers, but the State as well. Its absence, rather.  One of the alleged perpetrators had been arrested for armed robbery, but was released 4 Seguir leyendo

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«Te invito a mi velorio»

 La muerte es un tema tabú. Pareciera que hablar de ELLA es invocarla. Nos hacemos los distraídos, como si fuéramos inmortales. Los otros se mueren, nosotros jamás.  “Te invito a mi velorio”, aborda este espinoso asunto desde el humor, desdramatizándolo , enfocándolo desde una perspectiva luminosa, para nada solemne ni Seguir leyendo

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